55. In India, while defining an urban area, the most important consideration besides the size of its population is that it should have
A. Half of its male working in the non-primary sector
B. Three-fourth of its male working on non-agricultural pursuits
C. A police station, a college and a hospital
D. Number of ATMs, Number of Bank Branches
Correct answer is option B
Explanation :
State government definition:
Governor of the state declares by public notification an area as ”urban” based on certain parameters, such as population of the area, the density of the population therein, the revenue generated for local administration, the percentage of employment in non-agricultural activities, the economic importance or such other factors.
National government (census office) definition:
(a) All administrative units that have been defined by statute (i.e., settlements declared based on state government definition).
(b) Administrative units satisfying the following three criteria:
(i) A minimum population of 5,000 persons;
(ii) 75 percent and above of the male main working population being engaged in non–agricultural pursuits; and
(iii) A density of population of at least 400 persons per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile).